Greater Wichita Region Demographics
The Greater Wichita region encompasses 10 counties with a total 2017 population of 790,138 persons (27% of Kansas population.) The region contains 98 cities, towns and incorporated areas ranging in population from Wichita (pop. 389,255) to Freeport (pop. 5.) Regional population growth from 2000 to 2019 was 58,677 persons (8%.) Over 90% of residents age 25 and over are high school graduates, 9% hold associate degrees, 29% hold bachelor degrees or higher, and another 25% have some college credit. Wichita State University’s Center for Economic Development & Business Research (CEDBR) projects the regional population at 863,584 in 2040.
MSA Demographics
The Wichita Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) encompasses Sedgwick, Butler, Harvey, Kingman and Sumner counties, and is the largest metro area in Kansas with 2019 population of 640,218 persons. Metro area population grew by 59,307 persons (10.2%) from 2000 to 2019. It is a relatively young population with a median age of 35.9 years (national median age 38.2 years.) About 87% of metro residents live in an urban setting. CEDBR projects the MSA’s population to grow by 17.1% to 750,166 by 2040.
Sedgwick County Demographics
Sedgwick County (pop. 516,042) is the central county of the MSA (80% of MSA population.) In addition to Wichita, Sedgwick County contains 19 smaller cities ranging in population from Derby (pop. 23,847) to Viola (pop. 128.) Sedgwick County’s population has increased by 16,914 persons (3.4%) since 2010. CEDBR projects the MSA’s population to grow by 17.3% to 605,262 by 2040. The fastest growth has been among Asians and persons of Hispanic origin. Hispanic population growth was 17.7% from 2010 to 2018 compared to 17.9% nationally. Asian population growth was 11.7%, the second-fastest growing ethnic group in the region. Given higher growth rates for minority populations, the area is forecasted to become even more diverse.
City of Wichita Demographics
Wichita (pop. 389,255) is the largest city in Kansas. A regional center of business, education, healthcare and entertainment, more than 1.1 million people live within 100 miles of Wichita and 759,000 reside within 50 miles. Wichita’s population has increased by 6,529 persons (1.7%) since 2010. The Planning Department's city population projection is 429,380 in 2035.

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