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Marketing Request Form Definitions

Marketing Requests
Enter each item (singular piece) that you would like created for your meeting, event, campaign, etc. Comms will receive it and discuss further.

For example Downtown Clean Up, each item would need a submission:

  1. Website update
  2. Flyer
  3. Social Media Campaign
  4. Jot Form
  5. Company HR Email Campaign

Project Reference or Name
What would you call this project when describing it to a co-worker, partner or investor.

I.e. Partnership Annual Report, Downtown's SSMID Annual Report, Advanced Manufacturing One-Sheet, Downtown Clean Up Activities Flyer, etc.

Your Name

Email address
This will send you a confirmation that it was submitted.


  • Admin
  • Downtown
  • Economic Development
  • Investor Relations
  • Talent
  • Comms
  • Partnership

Check all who need to review
All staff listed

Target Audience*
Who will be viewing, receiving, or exposed to this piece - please be as specific as possible.

If the Partnership or Downtown is not the one handling or presenting this item, please list who will be the one using the item.

I.e. Choose Wichita Employer Recruitment PPX: New employees/recruits will see it but HR managers or Business owners will deliver it.

Collateral Type

  • Digital
  • Print
  • Digital & Print
  • Email
  • Other

Due Date

Project Description
Describe what it is you're wanting created and what it's purpose is - include all required elements

I.e. Transit Shelter Inserts: Large signage inserts that are placed at bus stations along Downtown Douglas Ave. There are ## that need to be created. They must be one sided and include a QR code.

Include detail such as size, required pixel sizes, bleed/no bleed spec info.

I.e. Choose Wichita Comparison Guide - Dallas: 8.5x11", 2-sided Vertical layout. Full color, 1.25" bleed. Digital version needs links to the website. Print needs to be gloss print and on cardstock. 500 printed copies are needed for the event.

Server Location
If the project exists and is being edited, please list server location in this section.

Attach anything you think would be helpful - email of detail, past examples, a PPX you'd like rebranded, etc.

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